Muhammad Mehdi
Aspiration Statement
I am interested in exploring computational methods like Agent-Based Modelling and Game Theory be used to study social and economic behaviours and decision-making. I also want to study Design-Research and Thinking to re-imagine the concept of innovation in technology, through a collaborative human-centred lens.
Core Skills
- Design Thinking
- Business Development
- User Experience (UX)
- Graphic Design
- Web Design
- Project Management
- Social Media Marketing
- Microsoft SQL Server
- Microsoft Office
- Adobe XD
- Agile Methodologies
Academic Awards / Achievements
- High Academic Leap Scholarship, Fall 2018
- IFTP challenge winner Playground, 2019
Leadership / Meta-curricular
- IEEE Habib University Student Chapter, Chair
- Habib University Code.Play(), Co-President
- TedX Habib University, Design & Logistic
- Habib University Programming Workshop, Lead Trainer
Internship / Volunteer Work
- Aladdin Informatics (Pvt) Ltd. - Product Manager [Feb 2023 - Present]
- Talverse - Assistant Product Manager [Jan 2022 - Jan 2023]
- Habib University - Digital Media Strategist [Aug 2020 - Feb 2021]
- Cedar College - Instructor [Aug 2019 - Nov 2019]
- Stackweavers, Intern, 2018
Final Year Project
Project Title
Agent-Based Simulation of Urban Residential Dynamics and Land Rent Change In Certain Neigborhoods of Karachi
The aim of my project is to explore the gentrification patterns emerging in an urban setting, explained through micro-level decisions. The model of my project will provide urban planners to evaluate the existing structures better, and make more informed decisions in their policies & investments. The main features of this project are: 1. Identifying the patterns of gentrification and relocation to inform an exploratory agent-based social simulation model. 2. Test the impact of Urban planning policies and Public & Private investments in causing gentrification in Karachi.